Seth Lewis


Senator Seth Lewis Named Champion of Free Enterprise by Illinois Chamber of Commerce

State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett) has been named a Champion of Free Enterprise by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce for strongly defending free enterprise and advocating for the furtherance of economic opportunities for all Illinoisans.

“Senator Seth Lewis has been on the side of Illinois businesses since his start in the Illinois General Assembly,” said Illinois Chamber President and CEO Lou Sandoval. “Senator Lewis has been a valuable addition to the Illinois Senate, bringing a thoughtful and collaborative approach to legislating that is essential for businesses in the state. We are pleased to award this first, of what we know will be many, Champion of Free Enterprise Award to Senator Lewis.”

The Illinois Chamber’s staff and Government Affairs Committee rated all members of the 103rd General Assembly based on legislators’ votes on the key business legislation. The Champion of Free Enterprise Award was given to members who demonstrated through their voting record a commitment to legislation that frees the entrepreneurial spirit and supports Illinois’ job creators. The ranking bills in the Senate and House were selected based on their impact on the business community.

“I have been proud to show support for the business community through the votes I have taken in the Senate over the last two years and am honored to receive this distinction from the Illinois Chamber,” said Lewis. “These are our job creators, and rather than stifling their ability to grow and thrive, legislators must do everything we can to help current businesses stay here and encourage new businesses to locate here. Through our policymaking, we must make Illinois a place people want to live rather than leave.”

Click here to view the list of award winners and a summary of the bills that were used in the ranking process.

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