Seth Lewis




Cook County CareLinkFree health care services for eligible residents(866) 223-2817 residents with the cost of health care at Cook County Health facilities, covering primary care, specialty care, emergency services, and more.
Alivio Medical CenterComprehensive health services, wellness exams, screenings(773) 254-1400info@alivio.org2351 S. Pulaski Rd, Chicago, IL 60623, cost-effective healthcare to underrepresented communities, regardless of insurance, immigration status or ability to pay.
Access To CareFree primary care services for uninsured/underinsured(708) 531-0680info@accesstocare.org2225 Enterprise Drive – Suite 2507 Westchester, IL 60154 primary care services for lower-income and uninsured residents of suburban Cook County and northwest Chicago.
Project Brotherhood   6337 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA the health awareness in Black men by training Black men & providing preventive health messages & literature in a cultural & gender specific way (age specific when necessary).
Center on HalstedHealth screenings, wellness programs, counseling for LGBTQ+ community(773) 472-6469info@centeronhalsted.org3656 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60613 resource hub offering health screenings, mental health services, and wellness programs, with a focus on the LGBTQ community.
Ruth M. Rothstein CORE CenterHIV/AIDS care, primary and specialty services(312) 864-02002020 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60612 care for individuals with HIV/AIDS, including specialized health services, medical care, and support for families affected by the virus.
211 Metro ChicagoResource hotline for health & social servicesDial 211info@211metrochicago.org 24/7 hotline offering information and referrals for health services, housing, food assistance, and other social services across Cook County.
CCH Birthday Screening Social Graphic Eng
Eviction legal assistance from Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt855.956.5763
Homelessness Prevention Call Center312.744.5000
Chicago Senior Services Hotline312.744.4016
Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline1.877.863.6338
National Alliance for Mental Illness Helpline1-800.950.NAMI
Illinois Opioids and Other Substances1.833.2FINDHELP
National Suicide Prevention Hotline988
Chicago Early Learning Hotline312.229.1690
Public Assistance: Child Care Assistance Program312.823.1100
Programs for Teens and Youth
Greater Chicago Food Depository773.247.3663
Women, Infants and Children program217.782.2166
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program800.843.6154
Health & Wellness
Community Health Clinics311
COVID-19 Vaccines & Testing
Mental Health Services1.800.950-NAMI
Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities312-744-7050
Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt855-956-5763
Rental Assistance Program
City of Chicago’s Utility Billing Relief
overnight and interim housing shelter programs312-744-5000
Illinois Emergency Homeowner Assistance Fund
Personal Finance
Bank On Chicago
Economic Empowerment Workshops and Counseling
Clear Path Relief for Reduced Motorist Fines
City Colleges: Future Ready Program
City Colleges: Adult Education Programs
Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership312.603.0200
One Summer Chicago 312.743.0208
Chicago’s Community Re-Entry Support Centers311